FELN newsletter highlights work of law school clinics, others

The Free Expression Legal Network shares the latest news about its members in its bimonthly newsletter, which highlights the important work of law school clinics, law professors and others in the areas of free speech, free press and government accountability.
Each newsletter shares students’ victories, clinic happenings, general trends within the network and more. Join the more than 200 subscribers by clicking here, or submit potential news items by emailing Josh Moore at jmoore (at) rcfp (dot) org.
FELN is a nationwide coalition of law school clinics, academics and practitioners focused on promoting and protecting free speech, free press and the free flow of information to an informed and engaged citizenry. Its membership includes more than 30 law school clinics that provide practical legal experience to more than 300 students, plus more than two dozen non-clinician law school faculty who research and work in this space.